Different Fashion Magazine Jobs – Fashion Designer Salary?

The high end fashion is exciting and ever changing field. Magazines are staying on top with lots of trends and ideas to public. Fashion magazine job is the best competitive line where you can work. It provides you wide variety of folks and job opportunities for you. Nowadays most of the people are interested to work in magazine field. Therefore, in this article I have listed to some of the fashion magazine job. If you do not know about the magazine jobs, then read and know what they are.

fashion magazine jobs


  • The foremost job in fashion magazine job is editor. Here, editor will be working either as market editor or as in-house editors.
  • Working as market editor will require more specialized knowledge about the style because of high end fashion. He will also work in showrooms and choose clothes for fashion spreads as well as stores.
  • Work of in-house editor will be guiding overall toning of fashion writing inside particular magazine as well as he will edit the magazine writer copy.


  • Writer is one of the fashion magazine jobs; here he will produce the content for magazines.
  • Writer’s task will be based on particular partition of magazine assigned for them. Fashion writer will produce stories related to a topic that ranges from new cloth trends to the fashion events.
  • Writers will also conduct interviews to models, designers and other professionals in fashion.


  • Model will be the best fashion magazine job for person who loves wearing new clothes.
  • They will work with designers or to agencies for taking shoots.


  • The main job of designer is to create magazine look. They will work to design page layouts as well with photographers and editors for bringing ideal way of life.
  • They will also create illustrations for written content as well as to supplement photos.


  • The next fashion magazine job is photographers; they will show details about latest accessories and clothing.
  • Some photographers will work for single magazines whereas others will work for multiple magazines.

Fashion designer salary

The fashion designer salary will be based on state, city you are living. Mostly, your salary will be based on your employing type and experience. Designing fashion dresses online will also help you to get high payment. When you prefer to work in fashion field then you have to seek for way to get high salary.

National Average

  • Fashion designer in United States will get annual salary of $71,400. Medium fashion designer salary for one year is $61,160.

Highest Paying States

  • The fashion designer salary in Connecticut, New Hampshire, Maine, California, and New York is arraying from$74,820 to $80,490.

Employer Type

  • Fashion designer will work to different employers like franchises or private practices, corporations.
  • People working in companies earn $44,500 to $71,600, fashion designer salary in for firms or private practices $32,000 and $54,000.
  • Self-employed people earn $35,300 and $68,800.

Experience and Salary

  • Mostly the fashion designer salary will depend upon their experience.
  • Person with less experience earn $30,500 to $45,000 whereas person having experience of 20 or more years earn $58,800 and $$102,200 and having 5 to 9 years experience, you can earn $50,600 to $73,900.

If you want to increase fashion designer salary then you have to follow the below things:
To get high salary in high end fashion, it is necessary to

  • Get education in fashion designing field
  • Make partner with large corporation
  • Build a customer base
  • Market by yourself
  • Craft well built pricing structure